Sunday, March 23, 2008

Social Problems

     Social problems seem to be on the mind of everyone these days. People have all heard about poverty, crime, racism, unemployment, alcoholism, teenage pregnancy, and a host of other things that are thought of as “social problems.” These topics fill our newspaper and dominate much our politics, not mention providing material for dozen books (Farley, 1987: 2).
     A social problem may be defined as a condition which many people consider undesirable and want to correct (Horton, 1980: 4). A perfectly integrated society would have no social problems, for all institution and behavior would be neatly by the values of the society. A changing society inevitably develops problems. Either the conditions themselves change and become unacceptable or the society’s changing values defined an old condition as no longer tolerable. Social problems are part of the price of social change (Horton, 1980: 468-469).

Farley, John E. 1987. American Social Problems An Institutional Analysis. New Jersey:
       Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs.

Horton, Paul B and Chester L. Hunt. 1980. Sociology. 5th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Book


Definition of Bilingual

        Haugen says that someone can be said as bilingual if he or she knows two languages. Mackey states that bilingual is a person who speaks two languages by turns (in Pranowo, 1996:8). According to Hornby (1995:106), bilingual is a person who is able to speak two languages equally well. Then, in Columbia Encyclopedia (“Bilingualism”, 2004: par.1), some bilinguals are persons who have ability to use two languages.
      In studying English as the second language, bilinguals sometimes exhibit language transfer, code-switching, code-mixing, or interference from one language to the other in the phonological, grammatical, lexical, and semantic system.

“Encyclopedia: "Bilingualism.” Encyclopedia Columbia. Sixth Edition. 2006. University of          Columbia. 29 August 2007 ( reference/          encyclopedia/;_ylt=Ar0IG0FYIw7wwgX1vMY8pTt8wF).

Hornby, A.S. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Great Britain:         Oxford University Press.

Pranowo. 1996. Analisis Pengajaran Bahasa. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Dian Wulandari Sumarno


This research entitled An Analysis of Basic Strategies of Face-Threatening Acts in Seventeenth Century in William Shakespeare Macbeth: A Pragmatic Study is intended to find out the basic strategies of Face Threatening Acts (or the level of politeness) in play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. From the explanation above, the writer can find some objectives dealing with the topic, and the objectives are a) to describe Basic Strategies of Face Threatening Acts (FTAs) in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth ; and b) to describe which Basic Strategies of Face Threatening Acts (FTAs) type are frequently used in William Shakespeare Macbeth.

The writer uses Macbeth play by William Shakespeare, dictionary and other sources as sources of data. The techniques that are used in collecting the data are noting technique and transferring technique. To analyze the data, the writer uses referential method by Sudaryanto and contextual method by Poedjosoedarmo. This research uses pragmatic study as approach because the writer writes about politeness especially the Basic Strategies of Face-Threatening Acts. The writer uses Brown and Levinson theory to make analysis on Basic Strategies of Face Threatening Acts (FTAs), namely: Less Polite, Rather Polite, Polite, and The most Polite.

The result of this study shows that the writer can find Basic Strategies of Face-Threatening Acts in Macbeth play by William Shakespeare. All of the Basic Strategies of Face-Threatening Acts can be found in this play. The highest frequency of the Basic Strategies of Face-Threatening Acts is the most polite because Macbeth is the story of kingdom. So, many characters in Macbeth play use the most polite type of Basic Strategies of Face-Threatening Acts to make conversation with other people who have higher position.





This thesis entitled “A Descriptive Analysis on the Phenomena of English Secondary Articulations Made by the Third Semester Students of PBI of Ahmad Dahlan University in 2006/2007 Academic Year”. This research is intended to identify the English secondary articulations mainly conducted by the third semester students of PBI of Ahmad Dahlan University in 2006/2007 academic year. The aims of this study are: (1) to know the students’ proficiency in producing secondary articulations, (2) to describe the phenomena of English secondary articulations, (3) to analyze the sound deviations produced by the students on the phenomena of secondary articulations, and (4) to know the factors which make the students perform deviations in producing secondary articulations.

This is a descriptive qualitative research which applies phonetic theories. By using qualitative method, the writer analyzes and describes the phenomena of secondary articulations made by the students in the form of description. The testing and recording techniques are used to collect the data of the research. The instrument used to reveal the data is a pronunciation test consisting of isolated words and minimal pairs. The validity of the instrument is achieved by using content and curricular validities.

The research finding shows that the students’ proficiency in producing the phenomena of English secondary articulations is categorized into very high level. Generally the proficiency of the students in producing secondary articulations in isolated words is categorized into the very high level. Meanwhile, the students’ proficiency in minimal pair section is classified into the average level. The result of the data shows that there are some deviations made by the students. Those deviations are omitting aspiration in producing the sounds [p, t, k] in initial position, omitting the lip-rounding accompanying the sound [k], omitting the addition of a high front tongue, omitting velarization of the syllable [l], and omitting glottalization of the glottal sound [h]. Nevertheless, generally the students made little deviations in producing all the secondary articulations given by the researcher. Most of them correctly produced the phenomena of labialization, nasalization, velarization, and glottalization. This occurred because those phenomena are also found in their first language. Meanwhile, the students made deviation in relation to the phenomenon of aspiration. This is due to the differences between Indonesian and English writing, spelling, and pronunciation system. In addition, the students made some deviations in minimal pair section. Those deviations are caused by factors influencing them, which are called interlingual and intralingual factors. The first, which is called interlingual includes omitting aspiration in producing initial plosive sounds. Under category of intralingual deviations are overgeneralization and spelling rule confusion.



Neny Handayani


Style of speech can be used in all aspects of life that uses language as a means of communication. The writer would like to describe the phenomenon of linguistic features of style and analyzes the stylistic characteristics conducted by broadcasters.

In this thesis, the writer uses the qualitative research method that uses the non-numeral data. It is obtained from the conversation and utterances in the broadcasters’ speech. The data in this research are all words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that are uttered by broadcasters. The writer collects the data by listening to the radio, recording and noting all of the utterances of the broadcasters’ speech. The writer uses the purposive sampling, a technique to determine the sample of data. The reason is because the Sunday’s English program consists of four sessions that are heterogeneous, so she just takes some speeches from those sessions since November 2005 until January 2006. It is limited based on the ability of the writer, time, energy, and financial factors. The research applies the descriptive technique to analyze the data. The collected data are identified categorized, and analyzed based on the basis of linguistic knowledge of the writer.

The research object in this study is style of speech used by broadcasters on a private radio “Yasika 95.4 FM” Yogyakarta. The writer collects the data by listening to the radio in the English program. The program consists of four sessions Yasika Sunday Work Out, Yasika Sunday Brunch, Yasika Sunday Lucky Day and Yasika Sunday Long Dream. The research findings are: (1) The linguistic features of style can be divided into phonological variants (different ways of pronouncing the same sounds), lexical variants (different words for the same things), and syntactic variants (different grammatical constructions for the same meaning). In the speech of the broadcasters, they often use the non-standard pronunciation and use the words of casual style in the informal situation. The broadcasters in this program frequently use the casual style in the informal situation. In relation to the syntactic variants, the writer classifies into phrases, clauses and sentences. The broadcasters’ speech has some features as follows; there are the inflection of be, the usage of contracted form, the prepositional differences, and the inflections of subject and auxiliary. Nevertheless, the differences in phonological, lexical, and syntactic variants can also enrich the language itself so those can make the language more attractive to use. (2) The stylistic characteristics conducted by the broadcasters are classified into serious, ironic, humorous, dubious, happy, sad, and angry styles.


Ayu Ningtyas Kusfyan Nur


This research entitled An analysis on Code Mixing Conducted by English Students of Ahmad Dahlan University in Academic Year 2005/2006, is intended to find out the forms of code mixing, the highest frequency, and the probable reasons for the code mixing.

This research belongs to qualitative research. It does not use statistical procedure. The researcher takes data by recording and noting all the conversation by the students outside the class room. In collecting the data, the researcher uses observation, recording, and noting techniques. After the data are collected, they are analyzed and classified into words, phrases and sentences. Based on the display of data, the forms of code mixing are analyzed carefully to find out the highest frequency of the code mixing conducted by the English students and the reason for the code mixing.

The result of her research shows that the forms of code mixing conducted by English students of Ahmad Dahlan University are words, phrases, and sentences. The words are nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. The phrases are noun phrase, and adjective phrase. The sentences are declarative, interrogative, and imperative. The highest frequency of all code mixing is noun, other words fall under the noun word. The words have the frequency of about 71.28 %, the frequency of phrases is about 17.02 %, and the frequency of sentences is about 11.70 %. The probable reasons that cause code mixing conducted by English students are to show the prestige, to be intimate to the interlocutor, no exact terms or words in Indonesian, the interlocutor, and emotional appeal.


Tri Wahyuningsih


The objectives of this research are (1) to find out the forms of slang used in Eminem’s Hip-Hop Music, (2) to find out how slang words are formed, and (3) to find out the meaning of slang.

The type of this research is qualitative research. The object of this research is slang used in Eminem’s Hip-Hop Music. The writer analyzes The Marshall Mathers Album LP that contains 15 songs, and released in 2000. In collecting the data, the writer uses noting technique. She identifies the slang from the lyrics and writes them on a notebook. After that, the writer classifies data based on the research questions. This study is done by analyzing the slang words, phrases, or sentences, and by finding their meanings.

The result of the study shows that the forms of slang are words, phrases, phrasal verbs, and sentences. The slang words can be nouns, verbs, and adjectives. The types of phrases are noun phrases, verb phrases, and preposition phrases. And the type of the sentences are statements, imperative, and interrogative sentences. The word formation of slang can be in the form of derivation, compound, clipping or back formation, acronym, blending, proper name, and imitation. The meaning of slang can be denotative and connotative.


Elvi Rahmawati


This research is aimed at giving the description of the characteristics of the Internet Relay Chatting (IRC) conversations. It focuses on the function of onomatopoeia commonly used in the IRC conversations, the conversational features that organize the conversations, and the contribution of the IRC to the academic community.

This research is descriptive; it applies the purposive sampling technique. It takes six buffer chats of two English chat channels, which are taken from August – September 2006. The data are collected by doing observations and chatting activities. For the validation of the data, this research applied triangulation by using theory triangulation, i.e. comparing those data findings with the relevant theory, and investigator triangulation, i.e. discussing with other people who are considered more knowledgeable about linguistics.

The findings of this research reveal that the function of onomatopoeia is to express an impression and an emotion of the chatters. The findings also reveal that the organization of the IRC conversations makes use of some conversational features i.e. opening sequence, topic, turn taking, adjacency pair, repair, and closing sequence. The IRC conversations are disrupted and discontinuous since many different topic strands are carried out simultaneously, the response to a turn is delayed and many adjacency pairs are intermingled temporally. Finally yet importantly, the IRC indeed offers valuable contribution to the academic community. The contribution is especially to the interlanguage and second language acquisition: the IRC facilitates the second language acquisition as a bridge to oral interaction, encourages learners to exchange information in the chats, and promotes distance interlanguage courses or schools.


Sri Kustati


This research entitled “An Analysis on Symbols of Emoticon Used in Chat room by Using Semiotic Approach” is intended to find the symbols of emoticon in chat room, to describe the meanings of symbols of emoticon in chat room and to analyze the structure of symbols of emoticon in chat room.

In this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method as the technique of analysing data. The data are symbols of emoticon and the Sources of the data in this research are two sources, namely the primary data and Secondary data sources. The primary data source is particular emoticon dictionary used in chat room as published in internet. The secondary data sources are Books of semiotic theory, Essay of semiotic approach in website, especially in chat room conversation analysis, Articles related to the used of emoticon, published in both printed media and internet., and the last is Literature review of earlier research of semiotic approach. In collecting the data, the writer uses observation method, while the technique of collecting data the writer use is teknik catat (noting technique). After the data are collected, the researcher analyzes the symbols of emoticon used in chat room using semiotic approach to analyze the data. They are identified and classified based on kinds, meanings and the structures.

The result finding shows that the symbols of emoticon found in chat room are classified into six kinds of emoticon, namely: happily (The signals of happiness are committed trough smiling and laughing), unhappily (sad), anger, surprise, disgust, and fear. There are many kinds and meaning of emoticon symbols in chat room, but basically the noun emoticon has one meaning, it is a representation of a facial expression (as a smile or frown) created by typing a sequence of characters in sending email. An emoticon (also known as a "smiley") is a simple picture or symbol composed of a few text characters. Hundreds of emoticons have been proposed, but only a few are in common use, meanwhile the basic emoticons of smiling are :-) or :) and Structurally, the symbols of emoticon used in chat room that are made up of three elements are the mouth, the nose, and eyes. The colon (:) represents the eyes, the hyphen (-) is for the nose, and the parenthesis ( )) is for the mouth. The most emoticons are designed to be interpreted with the viewer or reader’s head tilted over to the left.


Syahlia Rachmani


Language is a principal tool of communication to make relationship and to work together among people in their daily life, both for people as individuals and as a group. Human beings use language to communicate to have an interaction with others. Language is used by everyone, everywhere, every time and the problem in communication appears when a speaker of certain group instructs other group that uses different language. In this research, the writer is interested in analyzing language used by basketball players in Ahmad Dahlan University. The writer conducts this research with several objectives, they are (1) to identify the forms of sport jargon, (2) to identify the functions of sport jargon and (3) to identify the meanings of sport jargon used by basketball players in Ahmad Dahlan University.

In this research, the writer uses observation method. The main data are taken from basketball players in basketball game, and some instruments such as: internet, note books about basketball, and other researches about jargon to support the data. The writer uses observation and dialogue technique (teknik simak libat cakap) to collect the data, and uses descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data. The analysis is focused on the forms, functions, and meanings of sport jargon used by basketball players in Ahmad Dahlan University.

The result of the research shows that there are four forms of sport jargon, they are (1) Abbreviation, (2) Acronym, (3) Word and (4) Phrase. The highest frequency is 26.24% of the form of phrase, and 10.88% of word, and 3.2% of abbreviation, and the lowest frequency is acronym with 0.64%. The functions of sport jargon used by basketball players in Ahmad Dahlan University are (1) to give a person a sense of belonging to a specific group. (2) to make a person easy to communicate for each of players. The meaning of sport jargon can be concluded that all sport jargons used by basketball players in Ahmad Dahlan University is denotative meaning and there is no connotative meaning.



Tutik Mayasari


The title of this thesis is “The English Social Condition As Reflected In Jane Austen Mansfield Park: A Sociological Study”. This study is a literary study of a novel entitled Mansfield Park written by Jane Austen, a famous English novelist of the 19th. The researcher discusses the English social conditions reflected in the novel by using mimetic approach: one of the Abram’s theory. This theory focuses on the opinion that literary works are the reflection of the society. The objectives of the study are to find out the influence of the author’s biography towards the novel and to know the English Social Condition As Reflected In Jane Austen Mansfield Park.

The method of the study is based on the library research in which the data are taken from books, magazines, newspapers and Internet. The data are classified into main and supporting data. The main data of the study are taken from the novel itself and the supporting data are taken from the sources which are related with and support the subject matter of the study. The subject of this study is the novel Mansfield Park written by Jane Austen. The object of this thesis is the English social conditions reflected in the novel. After the data are gathered they are analyzed by using the theory of sociology of literature by Rene Wellek and Austen Warren (1956), Laurenson and Swingewood via Endraswara (2003), and Bustami Subhan (2005).

Some of the important research findings are stated as follows. First, Fanny Price is the protagonist character in the novel Mansfield Park. Second, The theme of the novel is the life stile of the upper class. Third, there are three social conditions of English society in 19th century as reflected in the novel Mansfield Park they are religion condition (the church plays an important role in the society), education condition (the simple education is implied) and economic condition (the society have a good financial in their life). These social conditions are represented between the characters.


Cecep Nur Rohman


A Syntactic Study on the Lyrics Used in the Avril Lavigne’s Songs becomes the title of this S1 thesis. The main objective of this study is to find out the kinds of English Sentences based on the types (Declarative Sentence, Interrogative sentence, Imperative sentence, and Exclamatory sentence) and based on the full of formal predications (Simple Sentence, Compound Sentence, Complex sentence and Compound Complex Sentence) and the kinds of sentence structures used in the Avril Lavigne’s song lyrics.

This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The object of this research is English sentences used in the Avril Lavigne’s “Let’s Go” song lyrics. The writer analyses about 633 English sentences in the Avril Lavigne’s “Let’s Go” album. In collecting data, the researcher uses two techniques; 1) teknik catat (note technique) and 2) teknik ganti (changing technique). The data are identified based on the types, full of formal predications and the specific forms song lyrics that are regarded as non-standard English. The writer uses the descriptive qualitative method to analyze and to describe the data.

The result of the analysis shows that the kinds of English sentence found are declarative sentence, imperative sentence, interrogative sentence, simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, and compound-complex sentence. There is no exclamatory sentence that found in the Avril Lavigne’s “Let’s Go” album. They are mainly found in the form of declaratives and simple sentences. The declarative sentence constitutes the most commonly occurring sentence type as it has the highest frequency of occurrence of sentence type 133 out of sentences or 59.4%. The use of declarative sentence in the Avril Lavigne’s song lyrics may enable the listener to understand the song easily at a glance so they can catch the message. The use of declarative sentence in song lyrics will be more appropriate and effective in sending the message to the listener. The simple sentence is the most frequently occurring sentence 186 out of 446 sentences or 45.5% of full of formal predication sentences. It is concluded that the simple sentence is the most frequently occurring sentence than the other because the simple sentence has simple construction and it may enable the users to memorize and understand the song easily. The listeners can catch the message of the sentence in the Avril Lavigne’s song lyrics at glance or as well as possible. The specific forms of sentence structure found are the omission of subject, incorrect concord between subject and predicate, Non-Standard English form, reduced form of because and reduced form of got to, going to and want to. The omission of subject is the most frequently occurring sentence 73 out of 110 sentences or 66.4% of the specific forms of sentence structures. The omission of the subject of a sentence may take the listener to infer the declarative sentence as imperative or interrogative sentence.


Cecep Nur Rohman


A Syntactic Study on the Lyrics Used in the Avril Lavigne’s Songs becomes the title of this S1 thesis. The main objective of this study is to find out the kinds of English Sentences based on the types (Declarative Sentence, Interrogative sentence, Imperative sentence, and Exclamatory sentence) and based on the full of formal predications (Simple Sentence, Compound Sentence, Complex sentence and Compound Complex Sentence) and the kinds of sentence structures used in the Avril Lavigne’s song lyrics.

This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The object of this research is English sentences used in the Avril Lavigne’s “Let’s Go” song lyrics. The writer analyses about 633 English sentences in the Avril Lavigne’s “Let’s Go” album. In collecting data, the researcher uses two techniques; 1) teknik catat (note technique) and 2) teknik ganti (changing technique). The data are identified based on the types, full of formal predications and the specific forms song lyrics that are regarded as non-standard English. The writer uses the descriptive qualitative method to analyze and to describe the data.

The result of the analysis shows that the kinds of English sentence found are declarative sentence, imperative sentence, interrogative sentence, simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, and compound-complex sentence. There is no exclamatory sentence that found in the Avril Lavigne’s “Let’s Go” album. They are mainly found in the form of declaratives and simple sentences. The declarative sentence constitutes the most commonly occurring sentence type as it has the highest frequency of occurrence of sentence type 133 out of sentences or 59.4%. The use of declarative sentence in the Avril Lavigne’s song lyrics may enable the listener to understand the song easily at a glance so they can catch the message. The use of declarative sentence in song lyrics will be more appropriate and effective in sending the message to the listener. The simple sentence is the most frequently occurring sentence 186 out of 446 sentences or 45.5% of full of formal predication sentences. It is concluded that the simple sentence is the most frequently occurring sentence than the other because the simple sentence has simple construction and it may enable the users to memorize and understand the song easily. The listeners can catch the message of the sentence in the Avril Lavigne’s song lyrics at glance or as well as possible. The specific forms of sentence structure found are the omission of subject, incorrect concord between subject and predicate, Non-Standard English form, reduced form of because and reduced form of got to, going to and want to. The omission of subject is the most frequently occurring sentence 73 out of 110 sentences or 66.4% of the specific forms of sentence structures. The omission of the subject of a sentence may take the listener to infer the declarative sentence as imperative or interrogative sentence.


Susanti Faipri Selegi

The research entitled “A Discourse Analysis of the Short Stories in The Jakarta Post” is aimed at describing types and items of grammatical cohesion that commonly occur in the short stories of The Jakarta Post.

This research uses descriptive and discourse analysis. The data are pieces of texts from the short stories in The Jakarta Post. The data are analysed based on types and items of grammatical cohesion. This research belongs to qualitative research, that is the discussion about the form of words, phrases, clauses and sentence in the short stories.

The result of this research shows that grammatical cohesion among sentences in the short stories can be classified into four kinds. They are (1) reference, (2) substitution, (3) ellipsis, and (4) conjunction. From the four grammatical cohesions, the analysis result shows that the types and items of grammatical cohesion which are more dominant are pronominal reference and additive conjunction. There are 299 pronominal references out of 364 items of grammatical cohesion or 82.1 % and 191 additive conjunctions out of 348 items of grammatical cohesion or 54.8 %. Pronominal references are found in the short stories because the writer of the short stories wants to show clear characters such as singular pronoun, plural pronoun and possessive pronoun. While, the additive conjunction and, or, nor, likewise are used cohesively, to link one sentence to another.
Meanwhile, other grammatical cohesion items have lower frequency, they are demonstratives, comparatives; positive, comparative and superlative, nominal substitutes, verbal substitutes, clausal substitutes, nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis, clausal ellipsis, adversatives, causal and the last temporal. They are in the lower frequency because the writer of the short stories rarely uses in discourse especially prose discourse. Besides, the short stories in The Jakarta Post tends to be short, brief, and simple.




Muhammad Febrianoer


Although Old English is no longer a spoken language, its uniqueness remains to attract scholars to conduct a research on it. It can be seen that there have been a lot of studies of Old English as if it were still alive. The studies are not to understand it so that people can learn and use it for verbal and written communication in daily life but it is more as a medium to understand ancient texts and to compare to another language in a comparative study. In many ways it resembles Modern German. Then grammarians group them into the same language family i.e. Indo European. This thesis focuses on the case and word order of Old English and Modern German to discover the relationship between them in active sentence to get the similarities and the behavior of the similarities.

For that purpose, data are collected by getting samples of sentences from both printed and non printed sources of Old English and Modern German. The sentence category is based on its structure which covers simple, compound and complex sentence; and on its function which covers affirmative, interrogative and imperative sentence. The characteristics of the research are descriptive synchronic comparative. It means that it describes the Old English and Modern German case and word order, then compares them based on synchronic point of view. The analysis itself is done by using the Basic Pattern of Kernel Sentence and Tagmemic Approach. These approaches are suitable because they determine the relation of words with other parts in the same construction just as the characteristics of Old English and Modern German which belong to synthetic language of which sentence construction is word-form based.

Then it can be concluded that Old English has five cases. They are nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, and instrumental. Modern German has only four cases. They are nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive. Actually Old English and Modern German are not completely free of word order like some grammarians state. They are just fairly free with some applied terms and conditions. Case is not the only one that influences Old English and Modern German word order. There are some other factors influencing the word order. They are punctuation, prosody, emphasis and the non-permeability phrase, main clause and subordinate clause.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Reni Hikmawati


In this study the researcher discuss about novel Digital Fortress work Dan Brown. The researcher discusses about white collar crime in the novel Digital Fortress and the reason why white collar crime happens. This graduating paper analyzes a novel by Dan Brown entitled Digital Fortress. Digital Fortress is the first novel written by Dan Brown. Digital Fortress stories about technology of computer and internet which are full of conflict and letting the world believe that certain strong encryption a logarithm are too mathematically complicated to break in a reasonable amount of time given current technology, the NSA (National Security Agency) has developed a machine which can break anything until new unbreakable encryption Algorithm is created by an individual with a grudge against the NSA.

To analyze the data, the researcher uses sociological approach to analyze the white collar crime and the reason of white collar crime in the novel Digital Fortress because the subject of sociology is society which is here human. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses qualitative research method because the data that are found in the form of sentences or words. The researcher also applies library research method which uses novel Digital Fortress as the main data and the other printed material like book, journal, internet and other support main data.

The result of this research states that most of the characters in the novel Digital Fortress do white collar crime. They are Strathmore, Ensei Tankado, Susan Fletcher, and Greg Hale. They do white collar crime for their individual reason. Strathmore does white collar crime to make better achievement in NSA. Strathmore makes TRANSLTR to break down the code and wiretap e-mail all over the world. They do everything to achieve their ambition without think about the other. Ambition to get success in lives is the main reason why they do white collar crime.


Izzatul Muafiroh


This research entitled: Searching for Self Identity of Lily Owens in Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees”. The writer is motivated to choose this novel as her topic in her graduating paper because of the following: firstly Sue Monk Kidd is considered as one of famous writer from Silvester Georgia, her written has been deeply influenced by place and she mined her experiences. The Secret Life of Bees is her first novel. Secondly Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees has psychological of adolescents clearer. The aim of the research is to describe the psychological a young girl which are felt by Lily, the main of character in the novel for searching herself identity in adolescence period as transition period between childhoods to adulthood.

To analyze the psychological adolescence which felt by Lily, the writer applies the psychological Approach of Erick H. Erickson to be concern with “Theory’s of Identity”. The subject of the research is the novel The Secret Life of Bees written by Sue Monk Kidd and the object of the research is focused on the Lily’s as main character in the novel. To get the data and information the writer employs the library method to collect the data and uses the descriptive qualitative. After the data gathered, the writer analyzes by using the theories of identity by Erickson and related to psychological development of adolescent by Lily’s character in the novel.

The result of this research shows us that Lily’s effort in her identity development can be described as follows: (1) Lily creates the harmony of her way of life, especially herself and her environment. (2) Lily can find a comfortable environment that makes her life comfort. From the whole of Lily’s effort the writer here can concludes that the main character gives many lessons for the readers especially the psychology of adolescence in identity development, they are: (1) Lily needs much support from her family to pass her identity crisis. (2) In the process of identity searching, Lily should have an ability in producing decision, when she must to “hold on” and when she must to “let go” from certain thing. (3) Lily has moved from “innocence to “experience”, and its good thing for her since what Lily experiences here will influence and determine her later life. (4) Lily must find the psychosocial fittednes in order to create the real of identity in her adulthood.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Muhammad Agung Budiman


The background of this study is based on the fact which shows that code mixing phenomena occur in the sport tabloid 'BOLA'. Code mixing in the sport tabloid 'BOLA' has special purposes to make the readers interested in understanding the message intended. This research is intended to identify the forms of code mixing, the meaning of code mixings, the causal factors, and what languages are mixed in the sport tabloid 'BOLA'.

The research uses descriptive methods. The main data of this graduating paper are taken from the Sport Tabloid entitled 'BOLA'. The supporting data are taken from other sources about Linguistics and Research methods. Sudaryanto’s noting, separating, and changing techniques are employed in the process of collecting data. The data of research are collected with Sudaryanto’s noting, separating, and changing techniques. The process is reading the tabloids, writing it on the note book and then classifying the data. The data are analyzed based on the context of utterance with Poedjosoedarmo’s contextual method.

The result of research is as follows: the forms of code mixing in the sport tabloid 'BOLA' are words, phrases, prepositions, repetition and abbreviations. The meaning of code mixings are about sport terminology, the name of sport institutions, the nicknames, and the name of sport competitions. Code mixing which occurs in the sport tabloid 'BOLA' is influenced by the choice of words which people consider the most suitable and appropriate, the style of the utterance of the reporter, the nickname of the subject, the choice of titles and proper name, the choice of the reporter to look for good translation, the choice of the reporter to introduce the new term, and the choice of the reporters to show the nation where the competition is held. The types of language of code mixing in the sport tabloid BOLA are Indonesian-English, Indonesian-Italian, Indonesian-Spanish, Indonesian-German, Indonesian-French, Indonesian-Dutch, Indonesian-Javanese, and Indonesian-Latin.

An Analysis of Men’s and Women’s Language in Mrs. Doubtfire Movie Series

Risa Arroyyani


This research entitled “An Analysis of Men’s and Women’s Language in Mrs. Doubtfire Movie Series” is intended to find out the kinds of diction, grammatical form, and language style used by men and women in Mrs. Doubtfire movie series.

This research uses descriptive qualitative method because the researcher describes the data and the produced data are in the form of words than numbers. The researcher uses dialogue used by men and women in the script of Mrs. Doubtfire movie series as the data source of this research. The technique used in collecting the data is noting techniques. The researcher downloads the scripts of Mrs. Doubtfire movie series in the internet then prints the scripts of Mrs. Doubtfire movie series. In analyzing the data, the researcher applies descriptive technique. She identifies and classifies the dialogues used by men and women in the scripts of Mrs. Doubtfire movie series and then she selects the dialogues by underlining the words, phrases, clauses, or sentences based on the diction, grammatical elements used by men and women. After that, the researcher analyzes the listed dialogue based on the degree of formality used by men and women.

The result shows that the kinds of diction frequently used by men are colors, colloquial, and strong expletives while the kinds of diction frequently used by women are adverbs, and adjectives. The kinds of grammatical elements frequently used by men are conjunctions, hedge, prepositions, verbs, and tag questions while those kinds of grammatical elements are less used by women. The kinds of language style frequently used by men are casual style and intimate style while the kind of language style frequently used by women is consultative style.




Learning a foreign language especially English is done after the native language is acquired as the background. As a result, there is strong tendency that the habit in using native language’s rule interfere the production of foreign language. The Interference may take place in some areas of linguistics, such as in Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Vocabulary and meaning.

This study is intended to identify the Interference of Indonesian language in an English debate. There are two objectives to be achieved: (1) to describe kinds of Interference spoken by the members of Debating Community at Ahmad Dahlan University, and (2) to find out the correct form of the Interference spoken by the members of Debating Community at Ahmad Dahlan University.
In achieving those two objectives, the writer conducts the descriptive qualitative study, since the data which are performed are in the form of words, phrases, and sentences. In order to analyze the Interference, she uses Contrastive analysis. Contrastive analysis is the aspect of linguistics to identify the structural differences between two languages. It is conducted by contrasting the distinctive features owned by both languages. She also uses several techniques to collect the data, including Recording Technique, Note Technique, and Transferring Technique. She gains primary data by recording all the utterances spoken by the debaters during debate.

The result of the study shows that there are some errors spoken by the debaters which are caused by the rules of Indonesian language. They are Transfer in Morpho-syntax and Vocabulary. Transfer in Morpho-syntax covers the error in choosing Pronoun, Omission of To be, Tense, Plural Form, Negative Form of a Word, Concord, Redundancy, Lack of To Infinitive, and Comparison. Transfer in Vocabulary happens because Indonesian has fewer words than English to point out a thing. This condition is called by under-differentiation. Further, the analysis also performs the correct form of the structure and vocabulary of the Interference.


Siti Zaleha Angkat


The title of this research is A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND PAKPAKNESE AFFIXATION. In this research, the writer here discusses the contrast of English and Pakpaknese. The objective of this study are to describe the types, functions and meanings of English and Pakpaknese affixation and the differences and the similarities of English and Pakpaknese affixation.

In analyzing the types, functions, and meanings of English affixation the writer uses the theory of Quirk and Greenbaum. Theory of Sembiring, Ayub, Amillah and Perangin-angin theory are used in analyzing the types, functions and meanings of Pakpaknese affixation. In this research, the writer applies qualitative research. The writer gets the data of this research from the words which are found in English dictionary and Pakpak-Indonesia a dictionary. In method of collecting data, the writer here uses”metode simak” (observing method) and is continued by continuing technique observation method, that is “teknik catat” (note technique). In method of analyzing data, the writer applies the structural method of analyzing data from Poedjosoedarmo.

The result of this research shows that the types of English affixes are prefixes and suffixes. The types of Pakpaknese affixes are prefixes, suffixes, infixes and circumfixes. The functions of English affixes are to change the parts of speech and negation. The functions of Pakpaknese affixes are to change the parts of speech. The meanings of English affixes are having of, before, etc. The meanings of Pakpaknese affixes are having of, suffering of, etc. The differences of English and Pakpaknese affixation are English affixes have negative meaning, on the other hand, Pakpaknese affixes have no negative meaning, English affixes have feminine form, on the other hand Pakpaknese affixes have no feminine form and Pakpaknese affixes have infixes, on the other hand English affixes have no infixes. The similarities of English and Pakpaknese affixation are Superlative, too much and nation/place origin. This research can also increase the reader’s desire in learning and the other mother tongue in Indonesia.

Diposting oleh Maft di 04:59


Ahmad Ibnu Mafuludin
NIM. 02026003


The research entitled A Study on Connotative Meaning of Political Jargon used in Abraham Lincoln’s Speeches and Letters: a Semantic Study is aimed at finding out the forms of connotative meaning of political jargon and connotative meaning found in Abraham Lincoln’s speeches and letters.

This research uses descriptive qualitative method which focuses on the analysis of textual data. The data are parts of speech which have connotative meaning of political jargon used in Abraham Lincoln’s speeches and letters. There are three steps in method of collecting data. First, data are collected by noting technique. Second, data are selected. And the last, the selected data are classified into its forms of parts of speech which consist of words and phrases. To collect the data, the researcher uses noting technique and observation. After all data are collected, noted and observed, the researcher analyzes the data using qualitative method. At first the data will be analyzed by using referential and distributional method. Then the data are identified by using contextual analysis based on its connotative types. The data are selected and classified by using referential and distributional method to find out the forms of the part of speech. Then the data are analyzed by contextual analysis to find out the meaning of the data, and the last step is drawing the conclusion.

The result of this research shows that the forms of parts of speech which have connotative meaning of political jargon used in Abraham Lincoln’s speeches and letters are words and phrases. The forms of words are nouns, verbs, and adjectives. The forms of phrases are noun phrases, verb phrases, and adjective phrases, adverb phrases, and prepositional phrases. The types of nouns are collective nouns, proper nouns, and abstract nouns. The types of verb are predicating verbs. The types of adjectives that the researcher finds are descriptive adjectives. The types of noun phrases are collective and countable noun phrases. The types of verb phrases are auxiliary verb phrases. The types of adverb phrases are manners and intensifying adverb phrases. And the types of prepositional phrases are physical relationship of position.



Herlina Eti Sulistiyowati
NIM. 03026088


The title of this research is The Portraits of Culture Shocks of Chinese Family Living Among American Society as seen in Amy Tan The Kitchen God’s Wife. The purpose of this graduating paper is to know the American culture, Chinese culture and cultural shocks in Chinese family living in American society.

The writer uses American study approach from Mc Dowell which stresses a past, present, and future approach an interdisciplinary approach from Robert Meredith that focused on history, sociology and culture. In this research the writer uses qualitative method to analyze the obtained data. Qualitative method describes the discussion in detail. There are two kinds of  data. The main data which are collected from the novel the kitchen god’s wife by Amy Tan and the supporting data which are obtained from the books, article, internet and everything.

The result of this study shows the American cultures of The Kitchen God’s Wife such as individualism, competitiveness and privacy. And Chinese cultures are friendship, solidarity, and keep tradition. Another result of this research is the  research of culture shock in The Kitchen God’s Wife novel. It is caused by a physical difference, environment, and cultural difference. It generates sorrowful, confused, and nervous feelings.

Diposting oleh Maft di 05:09

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Nanik Ariyanti


The research entitled American Cultural Traits of Marlboro Man in the film Brokeback Mountain is aimed at identifying American cultural traits of Marlboro Man and the positive and negative values of Marlboro Man.

This research uses qualitative method by gathering the data and presenting them descriptively. To conduct the research, there are three steps namely, collecting data, data organizing, and data analysis. The first step is the primary data collected from direct experience, recording, observations, joining some seminars dealing with the topic in several discussions. For the secondary data there are some books, articles, films, web sites, and other theoretical writings concerning with this research. After the data are gathered, the data are organized by electing and classifying them based on topic or theme related to the research. Moreover, the last step is data analysis by using some theories, approaches and methods of American studies.

The result of this research shows that there are four American cultural traits of Marlboro Man such as: individualism, discipline, hard work, and authority. The image of individualism can be seen at Ennis and Jack attitudes in the beginning of the film which set in Wyoming signal at 1963. There is a discipline can be seen when always an inspection every morning from their boss. Hard work can be seen from Ennis and Jack as the couple of shipper. There is an authority that can be seen from Joe Aguirre when meeting Ennis and Jack for the first time in looking for job. Another result of this research is the positive and negative values of Marlboro Man. The positive values of Marlboro Man are icon of American Manhood and principle in life. And the negative value of Marlboro Man is homosexuality.


Atiq Aqiqotul Hasanah


Based on the characteristic from postmodern era where mass media plays important role in social life is not wrong when the writer in this graduating paper the writer tries to analyses the exploitation of American woman in advertisement in postmodern era and beauty image of American women reflected from beauty product advertisement. The other Characteristic from condition in postmodern era is assumption that images are everything and real! So American woman felt important to become like which in image by the advertisers with the beauty products advertisement give suggestive and assumption that what in seeing is correct. In this graduating paper the writer gives title “women exploitation in American postmodern era advertisement".

In this research the writer applies approach of Interdisciplinary which is in American study. Approaches of history, socio-cultural and economics aspect are using to give clearer analysis about the condition of American women in advertisement in postmodern era reflected in beauty product advertisement. In performing an object research, writer applies qualitative descriptive method and library research, data taken away from books, magazines, articles, and some website from internet.

This research lays open the condition of women in advertisement in postmodern era, where advertisement in postmodern era women is exploited between it was: women body only be made symbol in promoting or sells product. In postmodern era we know that this era is late capitalism era with the meaning culture produces in making balance to with consumptive culture of which so increases. from analysis condition is the writer can connect that women in postmodern era is victim from target of the advertisement market, equally woman has been made as a real media or equipment exact in creation of consumerism culture. Other result which writer finds their American woman has been intent at assumption images is everything and its real! This is can meet by seeing the many women’s becoming a victim want to be like what which in image by advertiser in the advertisement. This Condition is as one evidences postmodern era where women trapped in hipper reality. Several of characteristic of beauty images of American women in postmodern era are: the beauty image with slim body, the beauty images of non oily face skin, and the beauty images of staying young.

Key words: Postmodern Era, American Women and advertisement.

The Life of Mafia as Reflected in Mario Puzo’s The Godfather: A Mimetic Approach.

Zefri Ferdhi Alkhotmi


The title of this research is “The Life of Mafia as Reflected in Mario Puzo’s The Godfather: A Mimetic Approach”. The objectives of the study are to describe the similarities between Mafia’s crimes that occurs in Mario Puzo’s The Godfather.

This study is grouped into a library research. The subject of the research is the novel entitled The Godfather, while the object is The Life of Mafia. The researcher collects the data by using observation and documentation. The collected data are analyzed under mimetic approach by Abrams (1979: 3-29).Then they described through the descriptive qualitative method.

After conducting the research, the researcher gets some research findings. Mario Puzo’s The Godfather portrays the real life of Mafia. The way of Mafia Families solve the problems by killing their opponents, their involvement in drugs trafficking, their involvement in gambling business, the way to avoid from the law by bribery, their involvement in prostitution, and bootlegging are similar with the real Mafia’s life.

The Conflict between Tom and Gatsby in F. Scott Fitzgerald “The Great Gatsby”: A Structural Approach

Nurliana Nasution


This study is entitled “The conflict between Tom and Gatsby as reflected in F.Scott Fiztgerald “The Great Gatsby”: A structural approach. The subject of the research is the novel entitled The Great Gatsby, meanwhile the object of the research is about conflict between Tom and Gatsby in the novel. The writer is interested in reading this novel. In the novel the writer can find much information. In this study, the writer discusses about the theme, the different between West egg and East egg in social class, emotional conflict etc. It is aimed providing information in detailed.
In this study, the framework of the theories that is structural approach is taken from (Subhan, 2005:63-64).

The result of this study shows that the theme, plot, character and characterization, emotional conflict etc seems important aspects in this study. Therefore the writer concluded that (1) Tom, Daisy (1) Tom, Daisy, Jordan, Myrtle, Wilson are careless people, (2) Daisy loves both Tom and Gatsby. But she cannot help the past because now she has a husband and a daughter, (3) the East egg is fashionable. And on other hand, the West egg is less fashionable, (4) the emotional conflict between Tom and Gatsby is just about Daisy. Gatsby wants to win Daisy back but Tom refuses it, (5) Gatsby cannot win Daisy back although he has much of properties, (6) at the end, Gatsby is killed by Wilson because Wilson assumes that the death of his wife is caused by Gatsby, (7) Meyer is not a good friend. He is kind to Gatsby when he just needs Gatsby at the time. He does not care about Gatsby when passing away.

Sapphira’s Conflict as Reflected in Willa Cather’s Sapphira and the Slave Girl

Meta Lusiana


The title of this study is Sapphira’s conflict as reflected in Willa Cather’s Sapphira and the Slave Girl. The objectives of the study are, (1) to describe conflict in Willa Cather’s Sapphira and the Slave Girl, and (2) to describe the psychological factors that cause of conflict in the novel.

The research is categorized into a library research. The subject of the research is Sapphira and the Slave Girl and the object of the research is Sapphira’s conflict founded in the novel. In this research, the writer uses library method to collect the data. Besides that the writer also takes the data from the internet to get information completely. Then the data are analyzed by using Psychological approach by Abraham Maslow.

The result of this research indicates that first, the conflict of the story. It can be traced that there is a conflict between Sapphira and Rachel-Nancy. Sapphira hates Nancy because she is suspected having an affair with Henry. Because of that, she always finds the girl’s fault to satisfy her anger. Second, the psychological factors that causes conflict in the novel, that is. Sapphira’s personality and psychological needs. The personalities that are considered as the causes of the conflicts are jealously, suspicion, and bad-temper. The psychological needs that she wants to achieve are safety, love, and esteem needs.