Monday, July 21, 2008

Drugs in American Society (Paperback)

Drugs in American Society (Paperback)
Unlike most books on drugs and drug usage that bogs you down with facts and statiscal data. Goode shows the reader practical examples from the lives of drug users. Goode also let you know that this could happen to you. Most of the drug users were college educated, busdrivers and businessmen. Certainly not what most of us think of when we think of addict. Goode dispels the images we have of addicts and replace it with the truth. This is something that can happen to anyone regardless of success, status or your social backgound be it in the suburbs or living in the city with good parents. Goode also makes you aware that addiction can stem from an addicted personality or a void in your soul that need to be filled as result of lost of self or grief over a love one. While still informing the reader that not all drug use is bad. Some people's use of drugs is cultural. Thus stripping you of all judgements prior to reading this book.

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