Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Reni Hikmawati


In this study the researcher discuss about novel Digital Fortress work Dan Brown. The researcher discusses about white collar crime in the novel Digital Fortress and the reason why white collar crime happens. This graduating paper analyzes a novel by Dan Brown entitled Digital Fortress. Digital Fortress is the first novel written by Dan Brown. Digital Fortress stories about technology of computer and internet which are full of conflict and letting the world believe that certain strong encryption a logarithm are too mathematically complicated to break in a reasonable amount of time given current technology, the NSA (National Security Agency) has developed a machine which can break anything until new unbreakable encryption Algorithm is created by an individual with a grudge against the NSA.

To analyze the data, the researcher uses sociological approach to analyze the white collar crime and the reason of white collar crime in the novel Digital Fortress because the subject of sociology is society which is here human. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses qualitative research method because the data that are found in the form of sentences or words. The researcher also applies library research method which uses novel Digital Fortress as the main data and the other printed material like book, journal, internet and other support main data.

The result of this research states that most of the characters in the novel Digital Fortress do white collar crime. They are Strathmore, Ensei Tankado, Susan Fletcher, and Greg Hale. They do white collar crime for their individual reason. Strathmore does white collar crime to make better achievement in NSA. Strathmore makes TRANSLTR to break down the code and wiretap e-mail all over the world. They do everything to achieve their ambition without think about the other. Ambition to get success in lives is the main reason why they do white collar crime.

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