Monday, June 16, 2008

- "Tingkeb", the Culture of the Celebration of Pregnancy in Dukuhturi

Tingkeb is the culture of celebration of pregnancy done by the people living in Dukuhturi. Dukuhturi is a "dusun" (part of the village)which belongs to the district of Warureja, the regency of Tegal, the province of Central Java, Indonesia. Tingkeb is held when the pregnancy is seven months old, in the first pregnancy (for the first child) of a mother. In Dukuhturi, Tingkeb lasts for one day and one night. The neighbors an family come to the host by donating money or rice. At night the men are invited to pray to God in the pregnant woman's house. Lebe (the leader of Islamic religious matter in the village) reads the praying and the other people say Amiin. After ptaying, all of the programs of Tingkeb are over.

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