Thursday, June 12, 2008

- G.Method of the Research


G.Method of the Research

Uma Sekaran states that research can be conducted to obtain valid information which would help in solving management problems in organized effort to investigate a specific problem which needs a solution (1992:4). In addition, methodology is a science discussing the ways or strategies to develop and verify the correctness of the knowledge by using research method (Hadi, 1984: 4).
From both definitions of research and methodology, the writer tries to summarize them into the methodology of the research. The research methodology is the ways or strategies that are systematic and organized to solve a specific problem.
In this research, the writer uses the qualitative method which presents the data in non numeral and usually linguistic units in oral written form (Sellinger, 1990:201). In addition, Moleong states (2005:11) that the collected data is in a word form, picture and non-number. The data can be taken from interviewing, field note, picture or photograph, video tape, and memo. Therefore, the writer will use a descriptive qualitative research design because all observed data are language used by human beings and they are in a word form. Furthermore, based on the research methodology, the writer is going to arrange this research method on several subtitles, they are:

1. Population and Sample
In Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation (Arikunto, 2002: 108), “a population is a set (or collection) of all elements possessing one or more attributes of interest”. In accordance with this research, the population is the fourth semester students of English Letters Department of Ahmad Dahlan University in 2006-2007 Academis Year on translation class. The total number of population is presented in the following table.
Table 1.1 The Population Distribution of Each Class
No Class Number of the Students
1. A 40
2. B 40
3. C 40
Total 120

If the researcher only analyzes a part of the population, she must use sample (ibid: 109). Hornby (1995: 1040) states that sample is a number of things or people chosen randomly from a larger group. According to Arikunto (2002: 112), the researcher is suggested to take all individuals when the number of population is the same as or less than 100. Furthermore, the researcher may take 10 – 15 % or 20 – 25 % or more of them if the number of population is more than 100.

In this study, the researcher takes the sample up to 35 % of the total population. Thus, the total number of the sample in this research is 42 students.

2.Method of Collecting Data
According to Arikunto (2002: 127-135), data collecting is the technique to collect the data. There are some research methods that can be used as the data collecting technique, such as: test, questionnaires, interview, observation, rating scale and documentation. While, Sudaryanto (1993:132) states that there are two methods of data collections in linguistic research, namely: metode simak (observation method) and metode cakap (interview method). Based on the methods above, the researcher uses observation and documentation method in collecting data.
Observation method (Metode simak) is applied to gather the data by observing the use of language (ibid: 133). In this method, the researcher selects teknik catat (noting technique) as its collecting technique.

Noting technique (ibid: 135) is technique which uses cards, books, notes, disk or other documents to analyze and to classify data of the research. Therefore, the researcher uses this technique. The researcher notes the data from the translation tasks of the fourth semester students of English Letters Department of Ahmad Dahlan University then she classifies them. The result of it is orthographic transcription because the data are in word form.
In documentation method (Arikunto, 2002: 206), the researcher uses some references such as books, newspapers, magazines, articles, memo and internet printing that are related with the quotation about the data either in words, phrases, clauses or sentences.

3. Method of Analyzing Data
After the data are collected, the next important step is analyzing the data. The goal of the data analysis is to summarize the data and to represent them to be better comprehensible, interpreted, or related to some decisions the user hopes to make (Krippendorf, 1980:109).

Data analysis is very important part in the research because in this part, all problems are solved with some systematic process. Then, the result can give the information whether the researcher can solve the problem of her questions or not. Therefore, the researcher must be able to find the suitable method and technique to solve her formulation of the problems.

The source of the data is the final examination work of translation class on the fourth semester students of English Letters Department of Ahmad Dahlan University in 2006/2007 academic year, and the data are language in words form, such as phrase, clause or sentence without number or graphic, so the descriptive qualitative method will be used in this research. Then, the data will be described systematically, factually, and accurately.

In relation with the methods above, the researcher uses the structural analysis method. According to Soepomo (unpublished: 13), Structural Analysis method is analyzing the linguistic units (the form of the research data), such as the structure of sentence, clause, phrase, phoneme, etc. The result of this analysis is the description and explanation of the system of the linguistic units.
In analyzing the grammatical errors in bilingual translation, the researcher reads and observes them carefully to find the linguistic units by using the structural analysis method and to analyze the grammatical arrangement in a language, it is suitable or not with the rule in translation process.

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